Thursday, November 19, 2009

Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture

So, I've been reading this book called "The Infertility Cure" by Randine Lewis. My verdict? FANTASTIC! I highly recommend it to any couple dealing with the pain of infertility. This book will give you so much hope as long as you are willing to keep an open mind.

The premise of this book is using traditional chinese medicine (TCM) to cure infertility. You may be thinking...CURE?!? There is no cure, if there was, my doctor would have told me about it!

But, truth be told, Western medicine beleives in treating symptoms, not treating the body so that the both can restore itself. In TCM, they believe that once you balance out your body and it's organs, your body, mind and soul will be able to function just as nature intended it to.

Yes, sometimes it can seem a little hokey that sticking some needles in your back or taking various herbs can cure something that modern doctors believe is incurable. But what I keep reminding myself is that TCM dates back to 6000 BC! If it has been used for all of these years, you'd think there must be a reason! (success!)

So - I'm willing to give it a shot. And to be honest, I've had my fill with doctors, medicine and drugs. I want to try the natural approach. If it works - OMG GREAT!. And if it doesn't - At least I didn't drop thousands of dollars and take multiple drugs with 'side effect' lists longer then The Great Wall of China. I'd rather try natural first, then drugs second.

Anywho - if you haven't read the book...go to Chapters right now!


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